$24 a year is a great value and 6 persons for $48 is still very much affordable. Now she hates the idea and doesn't want to use a password manager because of that first bite.

So she lost her password and had to do a reset. The worst part is I convinced my wife to try LastPass so she changed her most important gmail password using the app, but on iOS once you generate the password its easy to press "Close" top left instead of "Save Generated Password" at the bottom and then save a blank password. Then again they haven't fixed it yet, so ? You've now inspired me to open support cases about it. To be fair, I haven't opened a support case about it, but I feel like it must be known.

But updating an existing entry was now the only way to save that autogenerated password. I could not add a new entry, which was a problem because (1) the username was actually different and (2) the old password is still valid on an "old" url so i didn't want to lose it. Once it moved onto the next page to save the randomly generated password, the ONLY option was to update the existing entry. Secondary to that just yesterday I signed up on a website that reset it's database (had previously signed up, it's for a yearly conference that changes cities/teams each year - ).

It also used to let you save it immediately - that's also gone. It used to save autogenerated passwords always as a second "autogenerated" entry so you didn't at least lose them - that was a little annoying in terms of creating duplicates but the solution would have been to recognise once its saved properly and then edit/merge that entry - not remove them entirely. Yes! The problem is it tries to save it once you goto the next page but it doesn't always reliably do that - the detection code is off.